About DVC Search – The Ultimate Guide to Disney Vacation Club

What is DVC?

DVC is Disney Vacation Club. It is basically Disney’s version of a timeshare program. To learn all about Disney Vacation Club, start with our in-depth guide on DVC.

What is DVC Search?

DVC search allows you to view and search Disney Vacation Club resale contracts from many different sources at the same time in one place. Think of it like a search engine for DVC contracts that aggregates a bunch of other websites into one listing. 

I also cover each resort in depth, and have a really simple DVC points calculator that will show you the cost of all rooms at every resort for a selected date range. 

Additionally, you can signup to get an email notice about new or discounted DVC contracts that match your search criteria. 

Think of a really cool tool or feature that you’d like to see? Let me know!

So is DVC Search a broker?

Nope – we are not a broker. We link directly to the listing on the broker’s website. We just make it easy to search multiple sites at the same time. 

So how does DVC Search make money?

In short: we don’t. This site is a hobby that I run. I love Disney and am a geek at heart. When I was looking for my resale Disney Vacation Club contract, I got tired of having to keep up with multiple websites, so the idea of writing some code to search all DVC point for sale at the same time seemed like a fun project.

Additionally, I think it’s cool to be able to give a true, honest and unbiased opinion. Because I don’t actually sell anything and there are no ads on the site, I have no agenda. Buy direct from Disney, buy resell, or don’t buy at all… It makes no difference to me!

What brokers are on the site?

I pull listings from the following sites:

Do you know of another broker that I am missing? Let me know!

Are the Disney Vacation Club listings on DVC Search accurate and up to date?

For the most part, yes. Automation runs every 60 minutes to scan the brokers and add new listings, remove deleted listings, and sync price changes and listing statuses. You should definitely confirm the details with the broker before you just run out and get a cashiers check, but things are kept up to date. 

Why do some listings say how many points are left for the current year in the “Notes” column but others don’t?

This all comes down to the broker. Each broker displays this information on their website differently with some showing it in a structured view and others with just a blob of text and still others that don’t list any information about current year points left at all.

This is a great project! How can I support it?

Thanks! Just tell your friends and others about it! Post in message boards, on facebook, on reddit, etc. and help spread the word!

Should I buy Disney Vacation Club direct or buy a DVC contract on the resale market?

This has go to be the most common question people looking into DVC ask. I have devoted an entire page to answer Buying Disney Vacation Club: Direct or Resale?

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